Cotton Candy Machine - Gold Medal - The Breeze (Includes Approx. 50 Servings)
Cotton Candy Machine - Gold Medal - The Breeze (Includes Approx. 50 Servings)


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Create the fluffiest and sweetest cotton candy ever with Gold Medal® Breeze® Cotton Candy Machine. This simple yet high-end machine makes cotton candy in minutes, and it's extremely easy to use. Take this out and the fresh smell of cotton candy is going to have all the kids running towards you.

Why Use Gold Medal Breeze Cotton Candy Machine?

Gold Medal Breeze Cotton Candy Machine was designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind. If you want to make deliciously sweet cotton candy fast, this will get it done. Thanks to its simple two-switch and single-dial control panel, you can get the hang of making giant carnival-like cotton candies in no time. Constructed from a lightweight stainless steel material, bringing this to the next carnival, fair, concession stand or party won't be a problem.

How to Use this Cotton Candy Machine

To start making cotton candy, you first need sugar. Gold Medal's ready-to-use Flossugar is ideal. After setting up your cotton candy machine by following the detailed step-by-step instructions in the manual (link below), plug it in and power it on. Now, fill the spinner head with Flossugar until about 90% full. Turn on the Motor Switch, wait about 10 seconds, then turn on the Heat Switch and twist the Heat Control Knob to its maximum setting. Once the machine starts to make floss, turn the heat knob back down until it's producing a good amount of floss without burning or smoking. To serve, grab a cotton candy cone and grip it between two fingers and a thumb. Now roll it in the web of floss, wind it around the cone by going around the spinner, and take it out. You now have a cone of fresh cotton candy ready to enjoy.

CLICK HERE for the user manual for the Gold Medal Breeze Cotton Candy machine.

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